
Leverage Leanmote’s BitBucket integration for seamless data collection, empowering data-driven decisions with actionable insights from your repository.

How to start collecting data from your bitbucket repositories

  1. Enter your repository and go to the repository settings by clicking on the “Repository settings” tab at the left collapsable section of your repository page.
  2. Scroll down to find the “Webhooks” section, and click on the “Add Webhook” button.
  3. In the “URL” field, enter the URL that can be found on Leanmote’s integrations tab, inside settings.
  4. Make sure the Status checkbox is set to Active.
  1. In the “Triggers” section choose the following ones:
  • Repository:
    • Push
    • Commit comment created
  • Issue
    • Check all the boxes
  • Pull request
    • Check all the boxes
  1. Save your webhook and you’re all set!

Your Leanmote webhook is now set up to begin data collection.


For data alignment with Leanmote users, every team member needs to access their Leanmote settings. In the Integrations section, they will find a Bitbucket card where they should input their Bitbucket Account ID.